Ntofo-Ntofo Nibbles Hamster Soft Plush Toy – 30cm Tall with Watermelon;230;; Nibbles the Hamster loves sweet treats and summer. He shares smiles and watermelon with all his friends. Nibbles is 30 cm tall. Ntofo-Ntofo are quality super soft plush toys. ;;;;https://d2j6dbq0eux0bg.cloudfront.net/images/68512761/3413534298.jpg;;;;285.0;;19;yes;default;0.00;no;GLOBAL_METHODS;0.00;0.00;;;;;;;https://www.edgetoys.co.za/#!/Ntofo-Ntofo-Nibbles-Hamster-Soft-Plush-Toy-30cm-Tall-with-Watermelon/p/522599766;522599766 - Edge Toys (Pty) Ltd

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