About Us
Edge Toys has grown out of the PsychAssess Educational Assessment and Career Guidance Centre. After many years of psychometric learning ability and IQ assessments, Melanie and Chenelle have seen the benefits and recognised the need for good quality educational toys to encourage holistic development.

Melanie Smith
- B.A. (Psych & English) UKZN
- B.A. Honours (Psych) UJ
- M.Ed. (Psych in Education) Wits U
- Psychometrist (registered with HPCSA)
- Educator (PGCE Foundation Phase) UNISA
- Independent Advanced Phono-Graphix Reading Therapist
- Trainer for Read For Africa in the Phono-Graphix Reading and Spelling teaching method
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Melanie is the mother of 2 curious, creative children, who love to play with interesting, challenging, science and building based toys.
Melanie has worked in a psychological educational setting as a Psychometrist and owner of the practice PsychAssess for over 16 years. Melanie has been involved in psychometric testing and reading therapy in a variety of educational settings and schools, including remedial and mainstream schools, centres for mental and physical handicaps and the Read For Africa Organisation.
Melanie also lectured Education and Psychology related subjects for the B.Ed degree on a part-time basis at Varsity College Sandton.
Chenelle Cohen
Sales and Marketing Consultant
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Chenelle is the mother of 2 busy, enquiring small children, who love to play with creative, artistic and puzzle type toys.
Chenelle has worked at the PsychAssess Educational Assessment and Career Guidance Centre conducting psycho-educational tests with children, adolescents and adults for over 11 years. She has a special interest in school-readiness, learning and reading difficulties and using the Phono-Graphix reading and spelling method with individuals with a variety of reading, spelling and comprehension challenges.
Ella, Lia, Megan & Ronan
Toy Testers